ICELAND: Chasing Aurora & Top 5 Photography Tips

The mythical aurora queen, also known as the northern lights, is caused by electronically charged particles from the sun that collide with gas particles in the atmosphere. Different colors are formed depending on the type of the particles. The usual green is caused by low-level oxygen particles, while red is formed by higher altitude oxygen particles. Sometimes, a purplish aurora is formed by nitrogen collisions. 

When I visited Iceland, the aurora forecast for two days were about level 5-6, and the skies were super clear. So here are some photography tips: 

1. Check the Aurora Forecast 

The sky needs to be super clear for you, so do check for cloud coverage, as well as the intensity level. You can find all the detailed information here: 

2. Minimal Light Pollution and No Moon

Again, there's been some debate on whether having a full moon will impact on seeing the northern light. Here's the verdict -- if you are traveling, you may want to pick dates when there's no moon, so that even if the activity is low, you will have a better chance of seeing the northern light.

In addition, pick a place where there is low light pollution to get the best view possible.

aurora light, leica M

3. Have your Aperture at Maximum

Whatever camera or lens you have, have the aperture at it's maximum, and pick ISO accordingly. I was using a Leica M262, shooting at F2.4, ISO 3200. Adjust shutter speed accordingly depending on your location and the amount of lighting you can get. 

aurora light, leica M

4. Lens type & ISO 

Before I embarked on this trip, some people told me that I needed a fisheye, or an ultra-wide lens like 11-16mm. Sure, having an ultra-wide lens or a fisheye may give you the full advantage of getting all in, however, I used a fixed lens 50mm and these are the results I achieved. 

Composition matters, and there are no right or wrong answers to it. 
For ISO, I try to stick at 3200, in case it gets too grainy. 

aurora light, leica M

aurora light, leica M

5. Even if there's little activities, as long as the sky is clear, you can still get a good photo of stars! 

Say that you just went out there to test your luck, even if there's little aurora activities, dress warm and get a good capture of the stars and galaxy instead!


Bonus Point: Choose your foreground and be spontaneous 

Some of the best pictures I got were not from the diamond beach or the Jokusalon glacier lagoon, but just off the road in the middle of nowhere.

Be spontaneous, don't be afraid to stop when you see a high level activity. You will be surprised by the results! *Note: Be careful and not to set up your camera in the middle of the road.

aurora light, leica M




少女心大爆炸! 栩栩如生的花朵竟然是可以吃的蛋糕?

korean flower cake, eclait

他是一群愛玩蛋糕擠花的韓國媽媽們,依據Wilton 原有的擠花嘴發展出來的新擠花方式。韓式裱花的蛋糕體,則是家家戶戶的韓國媽媽們都會做蒸米糕 ,當作搬家送給鄰居或是節慶時的分送的小點心。 (其實有點像我們吃的狀元糕)。 而韓式裱花的奶油霜,是由豆泥霜配上米糕的基礎上去發展的。


豆奶霜的作法跟比例有很多種,但基本基礎含有豆沙,奶油 ,牛奶。所以不會像一般的奶油霜,鮮奶油的比例佔最多,相對來講也是一個比較健康取向的選擇呢!

koreanflowercake, eclait

豆奶霜花朵的艷麗顏色基本上都是用色素調合成的,但是廠牌的選擇真的很重要, 除了有美國,法國,日本,韓國,及台灣的廠牌可以選擇,但老實說,還是吃最原始的天然色素比較健康。 如紅蘿蔔,甜菜 ,薑黃等食材,都可以用物理烘乾的方式萃取,也可以減少孩童引發過敏的問題。 

Eclait Patisserie 目前除了有季節限定版的花式馬芬蛋糕系列之外,也有接單客製蛋糕。他們的豆奶霜使用的都是純橄欖油跟有機酪農的鮮乳,比原本的做法更健康喔!使用的色素也以急速烘乾的天然素材 (如南瓜粉,薑黃粉等天然食材)去製作的,小朋友吃的健康又安心! 

訂購方式: 請參見粉絲團 @EclaitPatisserie

koreanflowercake, eclait

koreanflowercake, eclait


ICELAND: Kirkjufellsfoss & Gatklettur

We were planning to stay near Kirkufells for two days to shoot the aurora lights, but due to the snow storm, it totally threw off our plan.

Most of the roads towards the North were closed off, and we had to wait at our hostel until the snow storm stops, which would be too late to travel.


Anyhow, we waited till the next morning, and the sky finally cleared when we arrived Kirkufells, which is one of the most photographed landmark in Iceland. It's quaintly dubbed as the "Straw Hat Mountain" because of its similarity in shape.



You can take the classic photo from just below the mountain where the waterfall is, or up high at the bridge at the waterfall for the whole landscape. However, my favorite spot is to cross to the other side of the road, where the Grundrfjordur Bay is, and try to get a photo of the reflection during low tides.


It's been a city of silver and white.



This beautiful coastline comes with basalt columns and circular arches. It's breathtaking how the arches are formed by the sheer constant erosion from the sea. Once you've indulge in the cliff, seagulls and the unique formation of the rocks, turn around and you will be stunned by the panorama, with its glistening haystacks underneath the sun.

The man-made gateway makes it almost majestic in its distinct tranquility.





ICELAND: The Golden circle

"Traveling is a way of finding home".

Geysir Iceland
Geysir, Iceland

Being a frequent traveller, I needed new inspirations from nature, from arts, from the local people.

Even though I was at the height of my career, I felt lost and uninspired. Don't get me wrong - I love my job as a product manager, but it just felt like something dark, like a shadow, was slowing encroaching on me. So I quitted my job, and was ready to go on a Mitty travel. I needed to find myself again.

I started off with Eastern Europe, and then moved my way to Iceland.

The first day when I landed Iceland, the weather forecast informed of a snow storm. Way to start on a journey, but I didn't mind it and made the most out of the morning to go to Gullfoss and the Geysir in the Golden circle.

It was the only time that I did not want to sleep on the bus. The view of a perpetually endless whiteness, the contrast between light and dark, herds of horses standing upright, as if timeless.

We stopped at Geysir, and it was the most peculiar experience. It was hardly possible to determine when the eruption would occur, and often it would sneak upon us when we were chatting. A daunting loud bellow , and it was surprising how ephemeral mother nature is, and how little we are. Much of the travelogs that exists today since the 19th century, paid its tribute to the great Geysir.

geysir, iceland
Geysir, Iceland

We then moved on to Gullfoss, also dubbed as the "Golden Waterfall" because of its seemingly golden reflection under the sunlight. It was so windy that I had to grip on the barbed wires to move forward. I was succumbing to nature, and it yet it felt utterly rewarding to feel the snow and wind brush against my cheeks. A part of me felt awaken again. The waterfall was more than just majestic, it roared like a Viking god.

What to Eat 
Don't miss out on the lamb soup served at the food center of Gullfoss. Absolutely delicious and keeps you warm after a stumbling walk in wind! (P.S. free lamb soup refill as well)

lamb soup
Lamb soup