Zootopia and its Fast Fashion Industry

Fashion Week London 

Not even a boutique store I would say.

Just another Korean-fast fashion stand around the corner. Another neon 80's dance jumpsuit, a khaki trench coat, a blue stripe shirt.

Most of it, of course, are made of the cheapest polyester, nylon, or vinyl, they are all essentially plastic. However, it bothers me when I see rabbit fur tops sold at less than US$10 per shirt at these night market stores.

I've seen photo leaks of these rabbit fur factories in China, many were skinned alive and left out in the open to die. It is no more ethical than a Nazi camp.

Rabbit Fur via Wikimedia Commons

We all enjoy a little whimsical, a tipsy-toe moment from the Spring and Autumn collections. The IT girls who stole the game and the spotlights. No consumption means no economic growth, some economists would even say. So clap clap to Zara, H&M and Uniqlo.

So if we were to be selective, are luxury conglomerate like LVMH any better?

I've worked in the fashion industry before, and a large expense (at least 30% of revenue) goes into making celebrities appear on top magazine front covers and shopping mall billboards. The cost of the actual clothes making is less than 5% of the street price. So ladies, all the premium prices we pay goes into making that mirage believable. Believing that we are better, prettier, skinnier, if we wear a couture.

It is in our nature, I would say, to want to be pretty. It is part of evolution, for us to mate and sustain the bloodline.

 Rabbit Fur Factory via Wikimedia Commons
I am not saying that one needs to be a environmentalist right away, and I am not asking for you to give up fashion entirely. I understand that some of the sustainable fashion brand out there, may have a good intention, but may be slagging behind from the majorities' taste of fashion.

So is it possible to strike a balance?

I believe we do.

Just keep in mind, that we have a choice to choose.

To be conscientious and choose selectively.


#20分鐘上菜的單身食譜:一個人吃也要很LUSH 的桂丁麻油雞麵線!


麻油雞麵線 食譜

家是你的避風港,一個人住,一個人煮,絕對不要擔心食物容易吃不完而外食,今天介紹的桂丁麻油雞麵線,只要20分鐘就能輕鬆享受暖呼呼的冬令食補 !

[-----材料-----]   1 人份

麻油  2湯匙 
米酒  100cc 或更多 
水   240cc 
桂丁雞腿肉  5-6塊 
老薑 7-8片 


1. 把鍋熱了放麻油,乾炒老薑,直到有香味出現,老薑也稍稍變軟 
2. 把桂丁雞肉炒到封色 (9成變色)後,把火關小再倒入米酒跟水 (TIP: 這是為了以防萬一酒精引爆)
3. 開中火煮滾後,轉中小火燉煮20分鐘 ,加鹽適量調味 
4. 麻油雞快煮好的5分鐘前另外滾水,水滾後把高麗菜跟麵線放入煮5-7分鐘 ,鹽適量(麵軟,高麗菜稍軟)後就可以起鍋
5. 盛

桂丁雞即使只煮了20 分鐘,但湯頭有甘蔗甜的清香,肉質結實甜美,搭配翠綠的高麗菜食用,超出意料的滿足喔! 快來動手一起做吧 




遊走香港,台北與紐約的你我,人與人之間的相處有著若有似無的距離感,但其實這個台北人的後花園,除了好山好水,更有著樸實的人情秘境等你細細去發覺。跟著攝影師的腳步,帶這相機與畫筆, 讓我們用心發現宜蘭的人文風景吧!


#1 合盛太平: 

老一輩的人,總是鼓勵著自家的小孩不是當醫生就是商人,千萬不要搞政治。 自幼聰穎的陳金波醫師於1919年開設太平醫院,許多宜蘭的民眾都給陳醫師看過,因為熱衷地方活動還跟蔣渭水先生共事過。 

當初陳老奶奶 (陳金波醫師的媳婦)希望能保留老屋的所有回憶,所以原本一樓是診所,二樓是起居室的設計都被保留了下來。 






夏天或是冬天,五峰旗瀑布總是帶來驚喜。 翠悅的鳥叫聲,可愛的鉛色水鶇 (小名:東東) ,有如被山與露水環抱的大自然。 路程不算長卻可以輕易看到三個延岩而下,姿態卻不同的瀑布。 有些急溯而雄偉,有些輕快蕩然。 



#3: 來星寶做蔥油餅吧


”你們蔥要挖大大的兩瓢 要像小山這樣才及格喔! 不能偷工減料“ 

我還是第一次聽到有人說要這麼大方的放料 (笑) 果然是淳樸的宜蘭啊 




俗語說「偷挽蔥,嫁好尪」 這次雖沒偷拔蔥,但有做了好吃的蔥油餅 (老師有說做的很漂亮!),是否有能得到上天的恩賜呢? 

#4: 小間書菜支持小農

到了沒多久,某位騎著機車的阿姨笑咪咪的帶了兩袋的香菜跟地瓜進店裡。 店內的小白狗熱情地奔向她,調皮地又舔又跳的歡迎著阿姨。 阿姨的田就離這店大概兩個路口,每天的採收不多,但是剛下完田能立馬送到店裡我還是第一次看到。

這邊還有個有趣的習俗,是你可以帶二手書來換菜,真是大大打動我這愛書人 (又愛吃)的喜好啊! 


這裡的小農的故事都有小小的介紹, 有些是從新加坡嫁來的媳婦,有些是一心一意想要種好糯米的小朋友,或是科技業回鄉的青年農夫,這邊可以看的出,他們的用心。 堅持不用除草劑,不用殺蟲劑等等的友善食材。  




#5: 龜山島看日出, 日落,追鯨豚

某次跟韓國朋友為了要看日出,大約凌晨三點就出門,一路上黑嘛嘛的,到海邊時一個人都沒有,也沒有燈。此時在草叢聽到了倉促的腳步聲,我瞪大著眼張望,深怕看到不該看的東西,好在是來海邊散步的阿伯啊~ 推薦去鎮海路那邊看日出!

yilan sunset sunrise

yilan sunset sunrise

yilan sunset sunrise

 不管是什麼季節,龜山島都有他不同的風貌 ,淡紫色的彩霞還是金光耀眼的龜山朝日都別有風味。

yilan sunset sunrise

yilan sunset sunrise


yilan sunset sunrise
第一次就看到龜山朝日 (有沒有像烏龜頭頂帶著皇冠呢?)

yilan sunset sunrise

yilan sunset sunrise





[Michelin 1*] La Degustation

I've always been curious as to why a company that sells would do so much effort in making a guide of restaurants or as Paul Bocuse, French chef of all times, said "The Michelin is the only guide that counts".

The Michelin guide was intended to encourage people to travel and boost the demand for cars and car tires. When internet was not prevalent, the guide had the most up-to-date maps of restaurants, petrol stations and hotels. It allowed people to explore the countryside, go on a picnic, make a detour to a less well known restaurant.

When it comes to selecting restaurants, I reference the "Bandwagon Effect" -- how many people are lining up to wait to dine for this restaurant/and if it is crowded. The food won't be too far off. So the michelin guide is more like a second opinion.

When I visited Prague last year with some friends, we wanted to try traditional Czech cuisine, but that has been renewed and revived.

La Degustation is one of the only three Michelin starred restaurants in Prague.

The chef, Oldřich Sahajdák is all about farm to table cuisine, bringing a modern twist to traditional Czech cuisine.

We weren't particularly hungry, but we didn't want to miss out on the wine pairing they had.

Hokkaido pumpkin, cracklinks, whipped cream paired with palava grand cru 2010 sonberk
Sturgeon caviar, egg, butter milk paired with Soave Montefiorentine 2013 - ca rugate 

Trebon catfish, yeast kohlrabi, paired with ryzlink vlassky 2013 

The soup was absolutely amazing! The chef gave us his secret recipe to this, with leeks, carrot, onion, pineapple and any vegetables you may desire with a pinch of yeast!

Foie gras, pistachio nuts paired with riesling berncasteler doctor spatelese 2015 

You will never guess, but the crumbs were actually shredded foie gras! Melted in my mouth immediately :9

European perch, dill, moravian sparking wine paired with gruner veltliner federspiel 2013

Sumava mushrooms, caraway seeds

Piglet, beetroot, cabbage paired with pignot gris 2012 d weinbach 

Beef tongue, apple, yellow peas paired with cuvee cs,m, cf 2007 

The beef tongue paired really well with the moist yellow peas and the red onions really lightened up the dish.

Bread ice cream, plum jam, beer kocour 

Sweet egg yolk 
You will be amazed how this little thing is so flavorful, and it tasted nothing like the egg yolk we so commmonly have in Asian pastry.

After dinner, we were invited by the chef to visit their kitchen. Our eyes were gleaming as we we were eager to find out how the soup was so stupendously clear yet flavorful.

"The secret to the soup, is cooking the vegetables with a pitch of fermented yeast, and make sure to strain it afterwards",  Sahajdák whispered with a laughter.

"We always buy the freshest ingredients from our farmers, and you won't find food that are out of the season".

"Sometimes it's a lot of pressure, because you have to make sure your dish is perfect every time, but as you see we have an open kitchen because we want our guests to know how we've prepared it to perfection. That also means we can't scream at each other across the table haha."

Such an amazing experience to see action envelop before us. It really marked an good end to our dining experience at Prague!

Degustation Du Chef Menu 3,150czk, Wine Paring 2100 czk